by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,
Are you feeling empathic stress, even when everything in your life is seemingly going well? You are not alone!
Here in the United States, we have several major issues going on that are contributing to empathic stress. The California wildfires have taken numerous homes while burning 1,000 of acres of wildlife, displacing and killing both people, animals, insects, birds, etc… In Florida, we are experiencing a “red tide” of epic proportions, causing respiratory distress to humans as well as loss of income for many people (especially in the service industry) but equally (if not more) important, the loss of sea life, including many endangered species.
Empaths have the ability to sense emotional stress from anybody (and anything) without any words being spoken. During a period of time when many people are feeling stress from various factors , empaths seem to take the brunt of these factors and it will most likely manifest in physiological symptoms such as:
- A feeling of being drained
- Chest pains
- A change in sleeping habits
- Edginess
- Flu-like symptoms
- Stomach cramps
- Headaches or migraines
- Elevated blood pressure
- Fatigue
- Vivid or disturbing dreams
- Physical weakness
- Loss of appetite or food cravings
- Unusual weight gain or loss
- Hot or cold flashes
- Decreased libido or a toxic buildup in your body, perhaps from fluoride, chemtrails, aspartame, GMO’s, etc…
If you are an empath, how many of the following issues are you susceptible to?
- Financial issues
- Job related stress including changing jobs
- Additional responsibilities at home or at work
- Relationship issues at home or at work
- A change in living conditions
- Spousal or children issues
- The recent death of a loved one
- Changes in personal habits, social activities or religious beliefs
- Recent illness
- A change in eating habits
- Making an important decision involving the near future or legal issues
How often do people, including complete strangers, come up to you for no other reason than to unload their issues on you?
Many empaths are picking up on the overall global morale involving the inevitable crash of the dollar/Euro, banking collapses, war, unemployment, housing issues, etc…
For example, as the political elite continue to spiral the world in unwanted and unwarranted armed conflict, a lot of people are sensing an eminent World War III scenario as the military buildup in the Middle East continues.
As empaths, we always try to focus on the positive things in life but sometimes, the overall global consciousness needs to be readjusted through the absorption of these energies. While it may take a temporary toll on the empath, please keep in mind how you are contributing to the overall benefit of society and that these feelings will pass.
While you may not realize it, you agreed to be an empath for these exact same reasons! When you were on the other side making your soul contract, being an empath seemed like such an easy job to volunteer for as you were surrounded in unconditional love. Perhaps you forgot how difficult it would be and now that you’re here, you no longer want this responsibility?
This is when you really need to look at the greater good of the service that you’re providing versus how it sometimes makes you feel. By absorbing these energies, you are playing a HUGE role in the spiritual evolution of mankind. Because you are an empath, the world is a much better place for all of us to live!
Now that I know what’s going on, what do I do?
There are coping skills that are specifically designed for empaths, such as shielding your body and developing your throat chakra.
For more details on empath coping skills, please read the article, Coping Tips For Empaths.
Additional resources from our sister site, In5D
What Is An Empath And How To Survive As One
The 10 Big Benefits Of Being An Empath
How Is Being An Empath Connected To Spiritual Awakening?
How Do You Know If You’re An Empath?
16 Things You’ll Notice When You’re In The Presence Of An Empath
4 Super Powers Of The Highly Empathic
Sending you all infinite LOVE & Light!
About the author: Namaste, I’m Gregg Prescott. Despite being a Triple Libra and a self-proclaimed introvert, I’m also a public speaker and have spoken at many conferences as well as hosting an online radio show and LIVE Facebook shows. As a Triple Libra, I’m constantly seeking balance. Zentasia helps to bring me to that point and In turn, I can help others in finding their moments of zen. Feel free to follow Gregg and his Facebook Live videos on Facebook as well as our Zentasia Facebook page. Peace.
Image: Pixabay
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