by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,
Imagine if you were an extraterrestrial race watching over this planet. Some call them The Guardians, others call them The Watchers. You witness the inhabitants of Earth having their air, food and water supply poisoned by their respective government leaders.
The people of this planet are all economic slaves and rely on money to survive, which is something not needed on planets with evolved intelligent species.
You see the corruption within the Roman Catholic Church which is, arguably, the largest spiritual denomination on this planet.
You see this planet’s inhabitants killing each other over wars based on religious beliefs or nefarious ulterior motives such as oil or the petro-dollar.
You wonder why inventions that will benefit humanity are being suppressed from the people.
Fortunately, our global population is exponentially waking up in every area of life, yet many people still remain asleep. Chances are, if you’re reading this article, you are part of the fastest growing group of spiritually awakened people who are working in humanity’s best interests and are no longer swayed by the mainstream media’s propaganda.
What would YOU think if you were an extraterrestrial observing this planet? How evolved are we? How far have we come as a species?
Leave a comment below!
Additional resources from our sister site, In5D
Metaphysical Books Recommended By Football QB Aaron Rodgers
ET’s Are Helping With Dimensional Shift
The Translated Russian Book Of Extraterrestrial Races
Rosicrucians’ Secret Knowledge Of Extraterrestrial Visitations
A Guide To Earth’s Extraterrestrial Races
Extraterrestrial Races: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Did We Inherit Our Genes From Extraterrestrial DNA?
Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!
About the author: Namaste, I’m Gregg Prescott. Despite being a Triple Libra and a self-proclaimed introvert, I’m also a public speaker and have spoken at many conferences as well as hosting an online radio show and LIVE Facebook shows. As a Triple Libra, I’m constantly seeking balance. Zentasia helps to bring me to that point and In turn, I can help others in finding their moments of zen. Feel free to follow Gregg and his Facebook Live videos on Facebook as well as our Zentasia Facebook page. Peace.
Image: Pixabay
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