by Nickolas Patrick Joseph Schoff,
Contributing Writer,
Learn to not do, but simply be.
Release your expectations and allow the Universe to give you what you want.
Observe the world around you and notice the patterns. The Universe is always trying to communicate with you.
Look for the signs and build your relationship with the Universe. Trust in it and it will mirror you.
Allow love into your heart and being and the external will reflect that. Remember that you are the Universe.
We are all one and you will never be alone because of that fact.
Never feel bad for questioning your reality. You’re reading this because you have sought out the truth.
I’m here to tell you, that journey, well it starts with you. Your control; your complete mastery of self. Living in love and only performing actions that you know in your heart is right.
Dedicate your life to your spiritual growth and to be of service to humanity. If you do this, life will change to support your effort for self growth.
Start with controlling your emotions, and stopping reactive behavior. In the end you have to be the one to make the change in how you see everyday life.
Your thoughts control your reality and only when you choose positivity over the temptation of negativity, will you start to see your growth in full Light.
You read this now because you’re on the path and from what I can see, you are doing just fine!
Additional resources from our sister site, In5D
Death, Ego, And The Divine Feminine
The NEW Emerging Divine Masculine
Opening The Gateway Of The Divine Feminine
We Are Returning To The Divine Plan
Victory of the Light!
Nickolas Patrick Joseph Schoff
Image: Pixabay
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